Over the past 20 years, we have gone from face-to-face meetings, phone calls, notes, and emails to a whole world of needs with an array of communication and collaboration tools such as Zoom, Slack, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Teams, Signal, Telegram, etc. Despite the fact that nowadays we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world, in a matter of seconds, we still face problems in communication, which in the era of remote work is the basis of business operation.
Over-communication can be detrimental
Too much information can make it difficult to distinguish important messages from those that are not, which can lead to miscommunication or communication breakdowns.
1. It is crucial to share what people need or want to know. Not everything is important - to avoid frustration and over-communication, focus more on what is being communicated and to whom.
2. Some information is unnecessary, so limit yourself to those details that people need, and offer additional details if they ask for them.
3. Informing everyone about everything isn’t necessary. Many leaders do this because they don't want to leave anyone out. However, including everyone in a meeting or sending a message to all when the topic concerns only a few people is a waste of time.
4. During a video conference, quickly get to the point, say what the participants need to know, confirm that they have understood, and then move on.
Working in multiple time zones
Working remotely forces us to be vigilant and requires much more effort in the planning phase. It also demands greater proactivity and discipline, primarily due to collaboration across multiple time zones. Speed of message delivery is critical to its success, yet remote teams consistently experience delayed responses and difficulties in scheduling meetings. To maximize efficiency, it is essential to always be clear and concise with instructions or deadlines. In addition, it is important to set up regular check-ins with team members to provide feedback and ensure that their time is being used productively.
It is important to listen to the needs of the recipients
We used to assume that we should communicate with others the way we ourselves would want someone to communicate with us. Today, we are one step further. By being aware of different communication styles and adjusting our methods accordingly, we can ensure that our messages are clear and well-received. Effective communication is more than just the words we use. It's about understanding the needs of our audience and showing respect for their way of thinking.